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Ayurvedic Cleanse

Reset, Revitalise and Rejuvenate

"A person with balanced physiological forces, who is self-established and whose mind, body, soul and senses are full of bliss is a healthy individual."

                      -Charak Samhita


Cleansing in Ayurvedic literature is seen as a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, building great potential for improved energy, strength, and immunity whilst helping restore the balance within your mind and body. An Ayurvedic cleanse helps strengthen Agni (the metabolic fire) by resting and purifying the digestive system. 

A balanced Agni is the key to achieving optimal health.

Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse


Availble from March- early May 

At this time of year, the earth and water elements are predominant, creating the Kapha dosha. It is the perfect time to rid yourself of the heavy and stagnant energy that comes with the winter Kapha and revitalise & rejuvenate your body for the coming season. 

Change in weather brings changes within us like seasonal allergies, lethargy, congestion, weight gain, cold, cough, headache, depression, inflammation, slow metabolism, etc 

What can you expect from an Ayurvedic Body Cleanse?

The cleansing process has incredible therapeutic value that helps restore balance within the mind and body.

  • Improves gut health 
  • Promotes a sense of calm and clarity
  • Improves mental focus, clarity, and quality of sleep
  • Improves digestion, enhances energy and vitality
  • Reduces constipation, bloating, and acidity
  • Helps in managing a healthy weight
  • Rejuvenates the mind, body, and soul
  • Gives a natural, brighter glow to the skin 
  • Improves metabolic health
  • Helps in managing menopausal symptoms 
  • Helps in relieving pain and inflammation
  • Enhances the body's natural immune system 
  • Reduces seasonal allergies 

Invest in your health.

Ten-day plan of an Ayurvedic cleanse tailored to you. 

Take advantage of our early bird discount of 10% off and book in advance

Book your place 10 days early from start date to get 10% off

Cleansing dates: 20th March- early May


Would you like to join with your loved ones? Enjoy a cleanse retreat together to spend quality time, motivate and support each other’s' health and well-being. Get 25%off 


Our carefully prepared Home Cleansing Programme includes:

  1. One to one 30 min Ayurvedic Consultation with pulse examination to know your predominant dosha imbalance, and according to individual body type, personalise your cleanse programme.
  2. Step-by-step instructions for your daily Ayurvedic rituals, chosen panchakarma technics 
  3. List of the things you need for the programme, shopping list for recipes.
  4. Ayurvedic herbs will be provided as per consultation for cleanse programme
  5. Support throughout the cleanse via message or video call.
  6. Guidance for yoga, breathing technique, and meditation
  7. You will also have my guidance to prepare meals and recipes throughout your cleansing programme.
  8. There will be an option to book Therapeutic treatments during the active cleanse period.
  9. Post Cleansing guidance on ‘how to recuperate and re-integrate.

Why look forward to Cleansing Programme:

  1. You can benefit from the comfort of your home. It will be tailor-made as per your needs.
  2. 1-2-1 guidance throughout your home cleanses practice, diet, and healthy lifestyle advice.
  3. You will have my full support and guidance during the cleanse.
  4. Include ayurvedic treatments to deep dive into deep relaxation and rejuvenation for optimal benefits.
  5. A chance to reflect on physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and social wellness
  6. purposeful period to relax, reset, and rebuild of body, mind, and spirit.


Ayurvedic Autumn Cleanse


Availble Between September-October 

Autumn is the cooling-off month between the blazing summer and chilling winter. The transition from one season to another is known as Ritu Sandhi in AyurvedaDays are becoming shorter, wind is blowing cold, trees are starting to change into beautiful bright colours and eventually shed their leaves in preparation for winter, and the crispness of Autumn is in the air. Its characteristics are similar to Vata dosha( ether and air) 

The Autumn season brings Light, dry, cold, mobile, and rough qualities around us and within us. Constipation, bloating, congestion, headaches, fatigue, Back & joint pain, cold hands &feet, low energy, brain fog, moodiness, feeling of anxiety, stress and loneliness are some of the indications of Vata imbalance.